CustomizeGoogle for Internet Explorer
Ran Geva has created CustomizeGoogle for Internet Explorer, an open source project based on the extension for Firefox. Some of the features from the CustomzieGoogle Firefox extension are available, but not all. Ad blocking, for instance, is not available. Also, Ran Geva, is using his extension to promote his own search engine.

But aside from that, CustomizeGoogle for IE seems to be working great. If you are using Internet Explorer (why, why, why?), you should really try this extension!
CustomizeGoogle for IE can be downloaded here. The current version 0.1 is only available for Windows in english. The source code is included in the install.

But aside from that, CustomizeGoogle for IE seems to be working great. If you are using Internet Explorer (why, why, why?), you should really try this extension!
CustomizeGoogle for IE can be downloaded here. The current version 0.1 is only available for Windows in english. The source code is included in the install.
Hi there.
There is CustomizeGoogle for Opera too ! Yes !
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